Link. When America lost any moral standing it once had. The torture program was popular with Americans and very popular with Republicans — except John McCain.
Daily Archives: May 11, 2022
Don’t take NSAIDs for back pain beyond 1-2 days. Exercise instead.
Link. Interesting animal studies. I have LOTS of experience — exercise is it.
NYT fact checker: Alito is kind of dumb.
“Putin’s mother Maria nearly became another … someone heard her moaning and pulled her off a pile of corpses.”
Link. “how much he is still bothered—despite his age, wealth, and absolute power—by the fact that he is short.” Context.
“American evangelicals are converting to the Russian Orthodox Church out of support for its nativism, white nationalism, rejection of LGBTQ rights and abortion, and support for authoritarian Russian president Vladimir Putin.”
Link. Really? That seems unlikely even for them.
“A week of infusions of young cerebrospinal fluid improved the memories of older mice.”
Link. Thiel will pay for your fibroblast growth factor 17.
“systemic corruption wherever it occurs: It is not primarily a problem of individual immorality, but of a collective action trap.”
Link. We are more corrupt than most imagine. “power and wealth accrue to those willing to play the corruption game, and those who are not get left behind.”
“Strips that can detect fentanyl have become increasingly valuable resources for local health officials, and some states have moved recently to decriminalize them, even as others resist.”
Link. Article does not mention role of crypto currency in the fentanyl industry.
Abortion with mifepristone/misoprostol combo to grow in US.
Link. I’m surprised it’s only 25% here, I’d thought 75%. I suspect there’s good reason we do more suction but article doesn’t discuss.
Interview for Decisional Abilities: IDA helps with assessing elder ability to manage money.
Link. I’d like an AI to watch what I do.
Teen mental health issues in America.
Link. It’s very hard to study, but like many physicians I think physical inactivity, smartphones, and social media have been mostly bad news for a lot of teens.