Link. Within this context I feel like there would also a Baumol effect on labor wages.
I doubt that world will be so predictable.
Link. Within this context I feel like there would also a Baumol effect on labor wages.
I doubt that world will be so predictable.
Link. You need SCUBA gear.
Link. Vaccine mandates are common. He’s been promising this for a year. The NYT has never mentioned it. Sulzberger is a problem.
Link. There’s a long way to the Planck length.
“researchers … exploiting a peculiar way in which pairs of photons, particles of light, can imitate a graviton… “
Link. Recommend read.
Link. Unexpected.
Link. Some physicians active on social media are heavily invested in narratives that are possible but well supported by evidence. They use dramatic publications that are not representative and they often skew results to favor their strong beliefs. They get a lot of attention. The process of knowledge consensus in science is uglier than civilians used to think.
Link. TikTok demonstrated its power to algorithmically target children. US Representatives were impressed.
Also, the House GOP has more capable people than I had imagined.
Link. India’s corruption is institutionalized.
Link. “… app was previously reported at least 12 days ago as a scam but its still up there, #1 search result.”
I hope the EU makes applesauce.
Link. Why not both?
Link. Biden’s childhood experience with bullies is helpful here. I hope Trump continues to mock Biden’s stutter. I think it will not serve Trump well.
Link. There’s immense poverty still, but it’s not the India I saw in 1982. The world improves.
Link. When switching costs are prohibitive vendors achieve competition free zones.
Regulators should focus on reducing switching costs. Ex: Photo Library migration with lossless edits managed, metadata preserved.
Link. Essay based on a book about cartoon art. For cartoonists the big tech breakthrough was not the stylus, it was the scanner.
Link. Look for a huge construction boom as fairly new office buildings are demolished to create residential spaces and parks.
CrossFit box on 9th floor? Climbing gym in the elevator?
Link. Organizing a non-violent and persistent national campaign to salvage American democracy. We can do better than Hungary.
Or we can reelect Joe Biden. Which is much better for everyone, including conservatives.
Link. GOP darling. The voters of Hungary did not love their democracy enough. Orban won the final fair election in Hungary.
I don’t think Americans are much smarter, but even 1% smarter may suffice.
Link. Bacteria may commit suicide so their kin can feast on the corpse. Rather like children.
Also mitochondria are likely not only bacterial symbiont in eukaryotic history.
Link. Desperation does not make good choices.
Link. Don’t buy anything from Roku and never give any TV access to your WiFi.
Link. “names, states of residence, Social Security numbers, bank accounts and routing information, and dates of birth were obtained during the breach.”
McCamish is probably how Fidelity outsources risk so their deep pockets are safe. I hope the lawsuits are able to breach that firewall. I look forward to future loss of all assets.
Link. Just let the OS handle it. You can leave it plugged in. BUT stored devices need charging every 6m.
Link. Howard didn’t see technical bugs but some of the processes terrify users. He doesn’t mention impact on local network share.
Link. In a just world Apple would need to give customers a report on how this passed QA.
Link. For most animals evolution favors dying once eggs stop. In menopause species selection extends life beyond egg failure. Male lifespan extension is presumably a side-effect and they don’t live as long.
“Female elephants … stay fertile into their 60s”
Link. “seek out children with mental health issues and blackmail them into hurting themselves on camera,”
If 1/100,000 of humanity is this broken that’s 80,000 people worldwide. They have always been with us, but enabling technologies give global reach and relative impunity. The same enabling technologies provide a rich pool of vulnerable people.
Link. Carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM). China exports at all time high: “trade surplus in manufactured goods, … largest the world has seen since World War II”
Link. Gen Z uses Insta DMs?! Or they just don’t date.
Link. Ukraine has destroyed 1/3 of Black Sea fleet.
Link. Best summary anywhere.
Link. This is excellent news. When Trump loses the GOP can be rebuilt from the ashes.
Link. Kagi downranks ad supported pages. Which is something Google can’t do.
Link. If you say the prompt incorrectly your soul is forfeit.
Link. Life without TV isn’t all bad.
Link. Jeff Yass has a 33 billion stake in TikTok and Trump needs money. So Trump works for Xi now.
Which is an ominous sign for Putin.
Link. Anxiety and depression. We don’t know why increase.
Link. Similar story to an Alzheimer’s drug that was approved and doesn’t work.
Link. The speculation is plausible but the data seems limited.
Link. Sifting Sonoma clues.
Link. The Woke were easy prey. Boriinnng. But what’s next?!
(Team Lib: We can start teaching history again. But keep your head down until November.)
Link. Since 2016 30 million more women have been surgically traumatized. Indonesia is 55% of girls.
In confidential surveys 2/3 of men and women in households where a woman was cut oppose the practice. In Djibouti and Sierra Leone more men than women are opposed.
Link. ” …. those who reported one or more trauma in childhood — physical or emotional neglect or abuse, rape, sexual abuse, hate crimes or witnessing domestic violence — were 2.4 times as likely to be diagnosed with a psychiatric illness as those who did not…
… 52 percent [risk increase] for each additional adverse experience.”
I would have bet the effect would be far smaller. This is mind boggling.
Link. It won’t run on Intel Monterey. It never occurred to me it would run on Apple Silicon Ventura.
Link. Maybe one day we can have good personal finance software options. I suspect Intuit will be unhappy.
Link. Big animals have more cells so more cancer so better anti-cancer. Learnings from wooly mammoth re-creation and stem cell experiments.
Link. I love that quote. It’s so true. She has and she would; she’s a party pro.
But Haley gets money because GOP donors believe Trump is a loser. They hope he falls. Somehow.
Link. Slowly converging on the consensus that “Woke” means truthful history.
Link. Rise in deaths is mostly increased ridership, but new eBike riders are having fatal crashes without help from vehicles. Right hook by a truck is most dangerous situation overall.