Trust loss during pandemic: “It’s sometimes hard for people to know who is a straight shooter and who is an activist.”

Link. Some physicians active on social media are heavily invested in narratives that are possible but well supported by evidence. They use dramatic publications that are not representative and they often skew results to favor their strong beliefs. They get a lot of attention. The process of knowledge consensus in science is uglier than civilians used to think.

“international network of online groups that have targeted thousands of children with a sadistic form of social media terror”

Link. “seek out children with mental health issues and blackmail them into hurting themselves on camera,”

If 1/100,000 of humanity is this broken that’s 80,000 people worldwide. They have always been with us, but enabling technologies give global reach and relative impunity. The same enabling technologies provide a rich pool of vulnerable people.

Childhood trauma and adult psychiatric illness in identical twins.

Link. ” …. those who reported one or more trauma in childhood — physical or emotional neglect or abuse, rape, sexual abuse, hate crimes or witnessing domestic violence — were 2.4 times as likely to be diagnosed with a psychiatric illness as those who did not…

… 52 percent [risk increase] for each additional adverse experience.”

I would have bet the effect would be far smaller. This is mind boggling.