Link. Everyone in software has a story about a temporary solution.
“DOJ’s arguments come down to various forms of lock-in …”
Link. A sober review without schoolchild mockery and with legal knowledge.
Apple will claim the lock-in is both of: 1. Not real (look how many switch!) 2. Accidental side-effect of good things. (IMHO Apple is guilty as sin.)
They should look at photos.
“A Boeing senior manager also recently told the LA Times he would “absolutely not fly a Max airplane.”
Link. Maybe he regrets saying that now, and maybe he’s not that senior, but it does leave an impression. (Could also be a misquote.)
Hans Jónatan: life of a biracial Danish slave and Icelandic freeman.
Link. Incredible. Needs to be theater.
Persuading ChatGPT Code Interpreter that it can compile C code.
Link. “One of the infuriating things about working with ChatGPT Code Interpreter is that it often denies abilities that you know it has.
I’ve found it to be quite resistant to compiling C code in the past. Here’s a prompting sequence trick…”
I have given up on predicting the future.
Rare brain disorder uniquely affects facial perception in people not otherwise psychotic. 🆓
Link. A form of hallucination. There are a variety of hallucination syndromes without psychosis. They are gllitches in brain structure and function.
First Pig Kidney Transplant in patient with survival chance
Link. Genetically engineered pigs: “Pigs carry retroviruses that may infect humans, and the company also inactivated the pathogens.”
NYT had to search to find someone who objected. PETA of course.
German economic model struggles, strikes add further disruption.
Link. Putin’s madness, China’s export surge, aging population, perverse tax structure. I’d add excessively rigid macroeconomic policies.
When macOS Recovery fails: next steps.
Link. Bookmark this for when things get real bad.
Race in South Korea – the story of half-black Insooni.
Link. Insooni, born in 1957, is an entertainer entrepreneur. This is a very Korean story of endurance with relentless effort within a medieval Confucian culture undergoing radical transformation.
Coronavirus future: focus on “immune compromised”
Link. I assume by “immune compromised” they mean HIV infected persons. HIV infection accelerates coronavirus evolution in ways new to human history. We need that seemingly impossible HIV vaccine.
iPhone – Apple Diagnostics for Self Service Repair.
Link. Anyone can use. Especially for used device. Put in diagnostic mode, enter serial number.
Michael Tsai: “I think existing law is lacking. iPhone is probably not a monopoly in the traditional sense. But it’s obviously not Nintendo, either”
Link. Yes. The lock-in, castle, Hotel California monopoly is the fundamental problem. Apple has a wide array of deep moats. You can always enter but you can never leave.
The AI “Mirror Test”
Link. Ok, scratch that off the list of weird new world.
GPT-4 is arguably weakest of this group. Until we see 4.5 at least.
American aviation 2024: “There’s not anything unusual about the recent spate of incidents—these kinds of things happen every day in the industry”
Link. Flight attendants have stories. I do suspect Boeing’s problems are real however.
Haiti’s pseudo-apartheid: “History is a burden everywhere, but in Haiti it’s a curse.” Dyer. 🆓
Link. Haiti had the most brutal slavery that was under European control. (Some Ottoman slavery was similar.)
The best short explainer of the world’s most persistently dysfunctional nation.
A Vinge tribute by Noah Smith.
Link. He makes the case for Vinge’s excellence.
Chinese Organized Crime Is Dominating America’s Illegal Marijuana Market
Link. Impressive and likely quite risky journalism. Oklahoma, California and NYC (Flushing) are big players. Chinese workers coming north from Mexico?
I wonder if they operate in Vancouver. (Legalization with high tax rates)
Five reasons the media treats MAGA-GOP as though it were a sane party. 🆓
Link. “ law firm Clare Locke has … professionalized the art of slowing down stories with legal threats and demands for preservation of documents …
… magazines, whose audiences long ago moved online and who now rely heavily on the businesses they cover…”
By far the best “why broken” article I’ve seen.
“in 2022, a team of Google researchers showed that asking language models to generate step-by-step solutions enabled the models to solve problems that had previously seemed beyond their reach” 🆓
Link. “line of research that uses [very esoteric] complexity theory to study the intrinsic capabilities and limitations of language models.”
This article is also the best LLM primer I have read. Quanta is amazing.
PS. People who say we understand LLMs are wrong.
Random notes on moving employer sponsored 401K and other pre-tax IRA funds into a rollover IRA
Link. Things you can only learn by doing.
Gordon’s Notes: Geriatric CrossFit: why you should both love and respect the deadlift
Link. If your discs are inadequate exchange weight for reps.
California struggles with the right of actively psychotic schizophrenic adults to make very unhealthy decisions.
Link. Ultimately is a question about extending guardianship-like options beyond the formally disabled.
As a lib I necessarily see it from both sides.
“As everybody knows, you’re supposed to put the tire label on the drive side of the bike”
Link. “the logo on the hub should oriented so that it’s legible from the saddle, and the logo on the rim should be legible from the drive side of the bike”
I did not know, though most of my tires are directional so there’s no need to check the label.
“Trump owes this money because he fraudulently misrepresented the value of his assets, and now apparently no one will accept those assets as collateral.”
Link. Meanwhile commercial real estate values have cratered.
macOS Sonoma 14.4 update bugs: 3 known
Link. I can live with them but I’m still on Ventura.
Life for ancient iPads: “you can manually download your own root certificate – and iOS lets you install it without complaint”
Link. iPads last a long time.
“insight of 20th century Harvard political theorist Judith Shklar that liberalism is primarily concerned with eradicating fear as the great impediment to human freedom”
Link. Book review “History of Liberalism”. For the libs among us.
Extreme SCUBA and breathing Hydrogen: “If you’re breathing that mix when it’s burning,” Clarke told the group, “it’s going to be a very unpleasant dive.”
Link. Commercial divers use chambers for weeks of compression and decompression, but hobbyist cave divers do insane things.
Typical hobbyist experiment: “His dog observed from outside the pool fence; his wife was out.”
“What’s going on with Canada’s economy? It’s not clear.”
Link. This needs more attention. It’s weird.
Nvidia GTC: “both NVswitch and Infiniband switches have built-in processing power to efficiently perform operations like centrally averaging the output of all the GPUs”
Link. Fun tech article on Nvidia roadmap.
“Ten percent of people aged 18 to 29 reported being the victim of a financial scam, compared with 9 percent of people 65 and older”
Link. Elder breakpoint is probably 75+ though. Lonely people are key target, key technique is to induce anxiety.
DNA STR segments gather the molecules that debate eukaryotic gene expression.
Link. A kind of algorithm. Reminds me of the braking system of a 1930s freight train. Emergent control likely with conflicting signals.
Afghan drought: “She has a fresh scar on her stomach from the kidney extraction, but the family’s debt is still only half paid. “They asked me for this daughter…”
Link. Afghanistan had a population explosion in 70s I think. Many trees cut down.
Prehistoric idyll: “Sausage-shaped globs found in the settlement’s murky sediment turned out to be fossils of dog and human feces, many flush with eggs from fish tapeworms and giant kidney worms”
Link. 850 B.C Britain, wetland life.
Call center nursing AI – “Hippocratic promotes how it can undercut real human nurses, who can cost $90 an hour, with its cheap AI agents that offer medical advice to patients over video calls in real-time.”
Link. Don’t worry, if this ever worked we’d be at AGI and everything would be fair game.
Oil execs say we will use oil forever and we need to stop hoping for better.
Link. They need to get oil and gas out of the ground NOW – before value crashes. So they need to say this even if they believe the 2030 prediction.
At some point somebody blinks and pumps like mad.
Learnings from social media: AI near term risks and mitigations.
Link. Nathan Sanders author. This is the best, by far, near term risk summary I’ve read. Should inform regulation. Recommended.
“One in 7,000 people, according to his unpublished analysis, was born to parents who were first-degree relatives—a brother and a sister or a parent and a child”
Link. Prominent in the Old Testament.
“SNAP varied greatly even among people without schizophrenia, suggesting that SNAP could be involved in cognitive differences in healthy humans”
Link. Down’s syndrome would be good to look at. The cognitive decline there is heartbreaking.
Google Scholar PDF Reader – enhanced reading of scientific papers. Chrome extension.
Link. Sounds pretty nice! It’s weird to have an interesting new product from Google.
Sonoma 14.4 discards saved file versions when file evicted to iCloud Drive.
Link. Presumably a bug.
Havana Syndrome: “intelligence analysts now believe the symptoms are most likely explained by environmental factors, existing medical conditions or stress.”
Link. Not a top secret spy tool. However there’s still possibility of a sub-group that has something different going.
“compute needed to achieve a given level of AI ability is halving every 5 to 14 months, as opposed to 24 months for Moore’s Law.”
Link. I remain persuaded by the original 1990s concept of the “singularity”.
Productivity growth of the 1990s
Link. The American 1990s were good at the time, but even better in retrospect. Stock markets did go bonkers late in the decade though.
“Claude 3 is likely to freak you out most in conversation … GPT-4 is pleasantly neutral and has the most complete feature set, and Gemini often gives the most accessible answer”
Link. Good review of current state including advantages of larger working memory.
We will learn within 6 months if progress is slowing.
“you could purchase 16,000 Sunflowers for the cost of one F-35A”
Link. USAF is fighting the last war.
Evangelicals unsurprisingly corruptible: “raunchy, outsider, boobs-and-booze ethos has elbowed its way into the conservative power class, accelerated by the rise of Donald J. Trump”
Link. Satan has always found Evangelicals easy pickings. It’s almost unsporting really.
“it’s hard to remain fiercely loyal to a figure like Mr. Trump without being changed by him”
“iCloud Links automatically expire after 30 days, but you can stop sharing them sooner.”
Link. I think the images are uploaded to storage outside the photo library.
Swedenborgian — St Paul’s Virginia Street Church “he became able to experience the afterlife while still conscious andfunctioning in this world, and had spiritual experiences daily for 29 years.”
Link. Cult was hot in the 1920s! Church is still active I think. MSP has a lot of older cults.