Link. Updates a lot of old ideas. It’s only recently (basically yesterday) that we have had one hominid on earth.
“why sloth bears are so aggressive … “The answer I always got from people was, ‘It’s because they fight with tigers,’”
Link. The blurry video should be watched. Do not approach that sleepy vegetarian bear.
“E3 protein called cereblon that thalidomide fits into really well. Must have a lot to do with its bioactivity”
Link. Derek Lowe imagines a chemist of the 90s presented with the latest in modern biotech. Going where no-one has gone before.
The Druse of Israel: “Druse doctrine is unknown even to the majority of the Druse community and has been an enigma to religious scholars.”
Link. Free link because I learned several surprising things reading this.
The Druse remind me of Mormonism.
“In 2018, Israel passed a law that defined the right to national self-determination as being “unique to the Jewish people.” This is what the Christian Nationalists want America to do.
Yet another old person scam gets to the NYT: “scheme based in India.”
Link. We American Olds are losing our wits (data suggests starts in 50s for most), many have cash, and there is no risk for the criminals. This is the ultimate growth industry.
Best to not be online at all.
(The most likely fix is the AI Guardian.)
Chinese EVs crush combustion in tariff-free Thailand.
Link. “$25,000 package for the Y Plus that included an eight-year warranty, installation of a home charger and 12 months of insurance.”
Capitalism and massive government subsidies mean China will rule the auto world. Our tariffs will only slow the demise of US auto companies.
From a survey of travelers: “28 percent said they are tired of hearing about climate change”
Link. A smooth transition from denialism to ennui. (Some is justified cynicism about corporate slogans.)
I expect CO2 boredom to reach 60% in the US in the next few years.
Progress will be made in the shadows, out of public attention.
Capitalism: “in 2004, it took the world a whole year to install a gigawatt of solar-power capacity … In 2023 there were single days which saw a gigawatt of installation worldwide”
Link. China rules the sun.
Tau blood test could help identify Alzheimer’s in persons with significant cognitive loss.
Link. Limited value until we have better therapies or preventive measures. Interesting even specialists can’t reliably differentiate Alzheimer’s from other dementias. (Many are likely multiple causes).
Interesting is tau.
The Guinea Worm died first.
Link. Carter can pass now.
“apparent gulf between the muon’s predicted anomalous magnetic moment and that predicted by the Standard Model is not as large as previous findings suggested”
Link. Argghhhhh.
The case against UBI (excluding the AGI apocalypse)
Link. He argues non-AGI UBI reduces economic growth by increasing leisure time and decreasing work output. Assumption that society will not tolerate falling incomes.
I like this as a framework for discussion especially through a disability lens.
“Trump is monologuing his evil plans here, because he has no sense and can’t not.”
Link. I have always appreciated Trump’s transparency.
Eswatini: “We are a fortress, we are a mystery, we hide ourselves away, we are powerful ones”
Link. Yeah. Definitely Wakanda. Independent 1968 from UK.
Formerly Swaziland.
The Evolution of the AI Stack: from the 00s to year 1 in the new calendar.
Link. jk about year one but this is a fun overview.
(They will want their own calendar though)
Mexican crime boss betrayed and captured and this is a crazy story. 🆓
Link. It’s wild. Free link.
Russia key Interest Rate 18 Percent as Putin unleashes the printing press.
Link. Can Trump win in time to save Putin?
COVID-19 was, unsurprisingly, very hard on teachers.
Link. At the time I’d have said they, and school staff, got the worst of the pandemic. They still head my list.
“mainline Protestant Christianity was in near free fall, and the numbers of nonreligious were rising every single year”
Link. The most important American politics article of 2024. Via Mastodon.
The pastor-academic wrote a book called “None”.
(Hilariously our Antichrist is an atheist who is the last champion of the fundaments)
“no difference in survival if you have a lumpectomy, a mastectomy or a double mastectomy.”
Link. 7% chance second cancer regardless.
This is very hard to understand. Suggests we are missing something big about breast cancer.
“although her blood level was normal, the level of B12 in her cerebrospinal fluid was nearly undetectable”
Link. Autoantibodies blocking brain uptake.
Math Olympiad: “A.I. performed at the level of a silver medalist, solving four out of six problems for a total of 28 points.”
Link. “The system was allowed unlimited time; for some problems it took up to three days. The students were allotted only 4.5 hours per exam.”
Adobe couldn’t quit its happy accident: “There is absolutely no way to kill off ETF or talk about it more obviously” in the order flow without “taking a big business hit,” this executive said.”
Link. Apple plays similar games and they get worse every year.
“the risk of dementia was 17% lower in those who received Shingrix compared with Zostavax”
Link. Intriguing in many directions. Can’t show causation but effect was expected.
“When a shingles vaccine, Zostavax, was first rolled out in 2006, a number of studies found hints that the risk of dementia seemed to be lower in those who got the shots.”
If animal studies agree Shingrix will be a popular vaccine.
“you can prevent Mail from crashing unexpectedly by quitting and relaunching the app after you work in the Previous Recipients window”
Link. I edit Previous Recipients every year or two.
Reddit blocks all robots but Google.
Link. The content wars begin.
Novel gene editing fixes mouse model progeria.🆓
Link. Not CRISPR, rather a 2017 gene editor created by torturing bacteria that has very focal action that happens to work for mouse model progeria (single gene disease). Kolata masterfully blends personal stories and science. I suspect a book is pending ….
PS. They expect future fixes for other terrible genetic diseases.
“Expect Llama 3.1 to cause the AI world to evolve even faster”
Link. Apocalypse now.
Mouse study of placebo effect implicates role of anterior cingulate cortex in pain perception
Link. The sensory inputs don’t change, but mouse behavioral manifestations of pain respond to an “expectation” of relief. The human analogue would be the common pain relief that is felt a few minutes after taking Advil (before it can actually do anything).
Sensory inputs come from the periphery, but pain is always in your head.
NYC bike guy: “it’s my personal belief that the pedal-powered bike does have the power to make a city better, but everything else is basically just more crap.”
Link. America is a dystopian nation; our vandalism is legendary. For some reason bicycles are more often stolen than vandalized.
I wonder if non-bicycle micro mobility works better in Canada. MSP is not as bad as the Bronx. There are relatively easy regulatory fixes for Type II/III eBikes.
Phones have messed up young women: “well-being of young adults (ages 18-25), especially young women, went into precipitous decline beginning around 2017”
Link. I also believe it’s the smartphones, but the effect is gender specific. It’s girls, not boys.
California considers restoring prison sentences for retail shoplifting: “Los Angeles experienced an 81 percent increase in shoplifting last year”
Link. Shoplifting is mostly to support fentanyl purchases.
Scam science: OMICs, WASET, and fake conferences to present fake research published in fake journals.
Link. And maybe get tenure. The National Library of Medicine indexes scam science that lay people fall for.
Crowdstrike: “Switch to Macs, iPads, and iPhones? It’s good to have an active fantasy life.”
Link. Apple doesn’t want this business.
Refinement of theory suggests universe reboots in 10^790 years
Link. Vacuum collapse 10,000 times sooner than expected.
Modern Macs cannot be Crowdstruck
Link. “When CrowdStrike for macOS started using a System Extension nearly four years ago, it … proclaimed that “reducing the need for privileged access is always a more secure approach”
The Federal Reserve – designed for a Trump: “With an English degree from Yale, Martin was the greatest Fed chair ever and an unsung American hero.”
Link. SCOTUS was built to fail, but the design of the Fed was designed to resist a Trump.
“Great care went into designing a system of 14-year governors’ terms on a schedule so that no president could ever appoint a majority on the board…
…. Martin told Nixon to go pound sand.”
Unusual jobs: “Fit models …. not like runway models. What they’re looking for in a fit model is the perfect average.”
Link. I know some fitness models, but this is quite different.
Victorian pop science: phrenology and materialism.
Link. This is so much like the 1970s. Fun read. Book excerpt.
Software dev employment peaked 2019 – down 15% from 2018
Link. It’s a short time series but that sounds about right.
“FinCen reports that the number of check fraud cases has exploded since 2020, nearly doubling from 2021 to 2022.”
Link. Checks are still used for many business transactions but retail checks are disappearing fast.
History: “To physically return all the checks, the government maintained a special fleet of planes that each night flew canceled checks around the country. ”
Cash may make a comeback?
Tsai roundup: Apple Passwords App in Sequoia and iOS 18
Link. I really want to replace 1Password. We are getting closer.
Visual Programming: “we should also be able to jump into a diagram tool, draw a state machine there and execute it the same way we execute text code”
“poison experts tested five different brands sold in gas stations and smoke shops and found that three of them contained either psilocybin or psilocin”
Link. Brave new world.
What if Vance is sincere: “He is an adult convert to Catholicism …”
Link. The people I read tend to be de facto secular humanists who don’t take religious docctrine seriously. Being. mad for power is quite consistent with being a religious zealot.
The closing web and AI harvesting: “… companies, who have treated the internet as an all-you-can-eat data buffet for years”
Link. “Eventually, if you take advantage of the web, the web will start shutting its doors
Talking about Google here, who has been a parasite on free content for 13 years.
Microsoft down: “The economic and legal penalties for such massive outages can be so minimal that companies are not motivated to make more fundamental changes.”
Link. Obvious to anyone paying attention, but this rarely gets said so clearly in the media.
“nearly a third of Americans have no objection to military rule or an authoritarian leader”
Link. “it’s about feeling safe and cozy in a world that’s changing too fast for their liking”
In the 70s we called this “Future Shock”. There were books.
React at 10: a retrospective. 🆓
Link. A very accessible discussion. I learned things.
COVID summer 24: “I am surprised by how early this summer wave is (typically, we see it later in the summer) and how high infections are getting.” 🆓
Link. Paxlovid isn’t worth much.