Link. “They reached Europe, where they would get their name, only 270 years ago…”
Kind of like dogs evolved from wolves but much more recently. Now displacing all lesser cockroaches. Might make good pets.
Link. “They reached Europe, where they would get their name, only 270 years ago…”
Kind of like dogs evolved from wolves but much more recently. Now displacing all lesser cockroaches. Might make good pets.
Link. Animal studies concerning.
Link. Lots of capable people stuck in low wage countries.
Link. Used high mileage Teslas are even worse new Teslas.
Link. I wondered where they were. OpenAI is probably struggling/worried.
Link. Validates my current habit of doing macOS updates in June.
Link. Calories too easy to get in much of the world but in non-humans is a survival issue. Surprise is how little baby assembly requires.
Link. Though weight loss still 10% without this gene. Needs validation.
Link. He’s been quiet for a while. He wrote this a year or two ago.
Link. From past comments I believe Noah is framing the case for what we once called “propaganda”.
Link. Just another deluded idiot yearning for a strongman.
Link. It’s a pithy line — though not easily falsifiable. I think it’s true though, and it’s the same war in America. I usually guesstimate that 30-40% of citizens are effectively disabled from middle class life.
Link. There will be DRM for bicycle tires. Somehow.
Seriously, there are already tire/rim combinations that are so marginal I pay my wrench to mount the tires. If they flat I lie down and wait for rescue.
Bonus: “They call it the Future Shock because if you ever need to replace it in the future you’ll be shocked by how much it costs:”
Link. Google is kind of screwed.
Link. Noah Smith had a more thorough analysis — with the same conclusion.
Link. “The purported the focus on conversation and generative AI gives the impression that they still don’t get this.”
Apple execs live in a virtual universe quite different from ours.
Link. “… gluing together infinitely many seven-dimensional pieces in subtle and intricate ways … ended up with what they called a smooth fractal snowflake … They had disproved Milnor’s conjecture”
Link. “Human physiology has not changed since 2004. I suspect the change was culturally driven.”
Link. Detroit now builds vehicles many Americans cannot afford. One day people will abruptly realize trucks are stupid.
Link. “you can’t lose work by restoring an older version because you can always return to the state of the document before you restored.”
I have used it occasionally.
Link. Interview questions are solid as are her responses. The AAP may be running for the hills on this topic.
Link. “This general problem of mixing data with commands is at the root of many of our computer security vulnerabilities”
Link. “Some utilities saw high temperature alarms triggered overnight on parts of the electric grid”
They are still assessing how much was due to storm, but in 1989 a SMD shutdown Quebec hydro. Over 30y government and industry made changes. Sometimes things do get fixed.
Link. I didn’t know you could do a trade-in for an Apple gift card!
My only Apple Watch use case is directions and notifications when I ride my bike and a Garmin seems a much better choice for that. For now I have a $14 Casio that keeps perfect time and battery lasts 1-2y.
Link. A nice explanation of elasticity and monopolistic markets.
Link. “Steven Hyman, who directed the National Institute of Mental Health from 1996 to 2001, told the Times that he considered the manual an “absolute scientific nightmare.”
Key insight: DSM IV labels were bad to begin with, utterly crap now, are used way outside of their original context. (Researchers and many clinicians know they are crap, but they’ve been embedded in payment rules and accounting so are almost impossible to fix.)
Link. Noah has a good* summary of how Google’s Internet died along with Google. I don’t think Google recovers.
The vulnerability of many voters to deep fakes is a huge problem for democracy; William Hearst did similar things a century ago but Russia and China are far more subtle and capable.
* Noah is a Twitter person still, so less credible than he used to be. Also, why the heck is he still using Google?
Link. Zimmer’s Parasite Rex book gets an unexpected marketing opportunity. (I have it)
Link. Access restored only because he has access to execs. The rest of us would be out of luck.
I don’t use Insta much but now I won’t use it at all. We may need litigation.
Link. Some studies had suggested a benefit but not this one. OA is a “garbage” diagnosis so maybe some variant benefits.
Link. I have been trying to ignore the student protests.
Link. I remember reading the original. Now we live in the world they predicted. It’s interesting to compare the dream with the reality.
“MARK WEISER is head of the Computer Science Laboratory at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center”
Link. They have to use Bing search … I think.
Link. The price strategy of US automakers cries out for annihilation.
Link. But the cheapest iPad when your current iPad expires. The show was a waste of time and energy.
I’m far more interested in an improved version of the pathetic Photos.mac
Link. 7% is a lot actually. She figures risk of pandemic is less than 1/10 but it 3x higher risk than usual.
“Some people also get red eyes because our eyes have bird flu receptors.”
Link. Public school leaders are used to performative assholes. This is a template for how to treat Congress going forward – less deference but conceal the disgust.
Link. “companionship apps are one of the fastest-growing parts of the A.I. industry”
I would like to try them with my oldest son (cognitive disability) but as an adult he is inexplicably suspicious of his father’s experiments.
Link. Singapore and Malaysia are retail centers.
Subtext: Authorities feel Android is fine, iOS is a problem.
Link. Imagine reading this in 1994.
Link. Good review of the maintainer crunch.
Link. I see same flaky behaviors with contact images.
Link. Early 20th century math is relatively comprehensible from a distance. Excellent overview.
“Finite fields are a place where number theory and geometry begin to blend.”
Link. Fun surprises.
Link. Reality vs perception.
Link. Dems still use X. We are kind of dumb really.
Link. There is no semantic content left. Worse than what happened to “feminism”.
I don’t use the word and I don’t engage in discussions about it.
Link. Do not confuse with Grapher.
“While Grapher is thoroughly competent, it’s lacklustre beside the original Graphing Calculator. “
Link. Standby mode at bedside sounds like the main use case. I liked this tape recommendation.
Link. “It’s A.G. He’s the one who is pissed [that] Biden hasn’t done any interviews and quietly encourages all the tough reporting on his age.”
Sulzberger believes only NYT can vet Biden.