My #1 is doing their special Olympics strength training at Built on Bravery, located at the Mendota Height MN Lions United Fitness Center (map):
Lions United is a new kind of training center, designed specifically to prepare people with disabilities for exceptional performance in individual competitions, team sports and life, especially people with autism, down syndrome and cerebral palsy. We’re dedicated to Special Olympics’ Project UNIFY and Unified Sports®, which means we bring people of all abilities together to strengthen individuals, relationships and communities.
This new facility is first in Minnesota to focus on persons with cognitive disabilities. Special needs fee $20/month, reimbursed by National Independent Health Club Association if workout 8+ a month. Others $40/m or $20 if 8+. Family memberships.
There is a big unmet need for health and fitness support of special needs teens and adults. Diets are often worse than average and there are few welcoming places to go. (Several CrossFit gyms are welcoming, but that’s a big climb. This facility has grant support.)
We need more like this!