Link. XKCD classic.
Monthly Archives: July 2022
“We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our states.”
Link. 1964. When Dems were bad guys.
COVID inspired reflections on economics
Link. Science has done awesome things. In 2022 there are Freer’s stents though – statins work.
Cannabis hyperemesis: “Capsaicin cream may work on vanilloid receptors in hypothalamus (similar to the action of a hot shower). “
Link. Very weird.
“TSH elevations are often transient in the elderly (often during non-thyroid related acute conditions).”
Link. Easy to overtreat.
States take hostages: Griner and more.
Link. They don’t pay a price. China, S Korea, Russia, Venezuela, Iran…
Urine acidity in alcohol diuresis in man. 1946.
Link. This 1946 study would be easy to repeat and I suspect pH drop contributes to LUTS.
GOP blackmails Google into distributing their scamware.
Link. Malice for sure, but they are so stupid. So both.
“May 2017, he reported owing between $60,004 and $200,000 on three credit cards and a loan against his retirement account.”
Link. Kavanaugh lived well. He has since done well for his owner.
“Graphing Calculator began in 1985 in C for the 128K Macintosh”
Link. “… still uses the Classic Mac OS 9 cooperative threading APIs in order to run code frozen in the 1980s”
“But here we are. It got passed and we are going to do our best to support it”
Link. “board also does not have a lab to test hemp-derived THC products, but Phillips said the board is working to set up one.”
MN Board of Pharmacy abruptly regulating edibles.
US government: “only a country with as much already in its favor as the U.S. has— size, location, assets, natural riches, ability to absorb endless waves of newcomers and become the platform for their success—could have gone so far for so long with
Link. Obsolete.
“Webarchives are now making their way into Apple’s open source WebKit”
Link. Webarchive needs to become a standard.
Disinflation signs.
Link. Encouraging.
HCR summarizes the SCOTUS crisis.
Link. The filibuster will end.