From Signal to Arendt to falsifiability.

Arendt of course: “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist.”

Antivaxxer wealth: “Mercola as a “quack tycoon” since a news report in 2019 revealed his net worth to be north of $100 million”

Ally of JFK. There is *great* opportunity in scamming the vulnerable. I wonder if most of his victims are mostly MAGA.

Good comparison to the fall of Prasad. These people often believe. And they tend to fall deeper and deeper into delusion.

“age-specific prevalence of dementia in this country [has] steadily declined for 40 years”

For 85-89yo prevalence 23% in 1905 cohort, 1915 18%, 1935 11%, 1945 8%.

Reasonable explanations include BP meds, statins, decreased smoking, better air quality. I’d add fewer lifetime head injuries — Boxing was extremely popular from 1920s to 1940s and nobody wore helmets at work or play. I suspect the incidence will stabilize at around 8% though.

“Cognitive Shuffling” for insomnia: words instead of counting sheep.

“You start by taking a random word — “Pluto,” for example. Then think of as many words as you can that begin with the same first letter, like so: “Plane, poodle, play, peaches.” When you run out of “P” words, you can move on to the next letter of your original word, which is “L,” and do the same thing: “Love, light, lemur, linger.” Take a second or so to visualize each word.”

Stop your brother printer from providing toner information to your Alexa device (dot, etc).

Brother printers provide ink status to any network device, so your Alexa device just has to ask. Turning this off is a bit convoluted; it’s simpler to get rid of any Amazon device from one’s home.

Update. The directions on this page are obsolete. I think it’s not possible to disabled this for an alexa device now.

Fukuyama on Dems after Trump: “if they could remember the Hamiltonian side of progressivism, there is an agenda waiting for them to take up, which has to do with building things.”

If American democracy survives Dems will need a vision.

“American civil servants operate … detailed rules constraining their behavior, and are told to prioritize compliance with these rules rather than achieving concrete results for citizens.”

He is 100% correct about the fed bureaucracy. Congress screwed up the civil service.

“Since the Trump administration does not want to take up Hamilton’s legacy of good, competent, effective, uncorrupt government, the other side should claim it as their own.”

Why Trump and the GOP betrayed the free world – the view of the technarchy

It’s impossible to separate stupidity and madness from strategy in Trump/Musk land.

Here Noah Smith, who represents the relatively sane side of the technarchy, tries to construct a rationale for why the GOP and Trump should betray democracy and freedom across the world. Including one I think is contributing: “The U.S. has deemphasized manufacturing and let its defense-industrial base go to rot, leaving it incapable of matching even Russia’s rate of weapons production, let alone China’s.”